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What you can do now to get ready for the application of the Senior Managers & Certification Regime (SMCR) to your firm? Without clear definitions of competence for relevant roles, an appropriate supervisory regime and robust record keeping it is difficult to see how a firm can meet the requirements for certifying those employees who ..
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Nick Smith of EAM Consulting looks at using the Kirkpatrick Four Levels to help with building the business case for a T&C initiative in your firm. To make the business case for a T&C initiative we need build a “chain of impact”. One that shows the budget holders clearly and credibly how the various aspects ..
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Nick Smith of EAM Consulting looks at using Key Performance Indicators for both individuals and the T&C arrangements as a whole. Whichever KPI you use it is important to understand their limitations when using them to monitor performance.   Download Full Article

Nick Smith of EAM Consulting looks at the key differences between criterion and norm-referenced tests and when to use which type. It is important to select the appropriate type of test for the knowledge or skill to be tested and to ensure that all of the stakeholders (candidates, trainers, line managers, senior managers and so ..
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Nick Smith of EAM Consulting looks at how firms might structure the oversight and governance of their T&C arrangements. Firms that are large enough for line management and functions, such as Human Resources, Compliance and managing the T&C arrangements, to be carried out by different individuals should establish a governing body for their T&C arrangements. ..
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Nick Smith, Director of EAM Consulting and one-time Enforcement Officer (Training and Competence) with Lautro, looks back over two decades of T&C. The requirement to ensure that sales people are competent has, at least in part, disenfranchised the lower socio-economic groups and the RDR examination requirements are likely to exacerbate this trend – a cruel ..
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Nick Smith of EAM Consulting looks at how using the ROI Methodology to plan your training can ensure that the training has an impact on business results. The real benefit from applying the ROI Methodology is not the ability to calculate the return on investment (ROI) of a project. Rather it is the structure and ..
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